When it comes to professional cinematography, having the right equipment is essential to capture stunning visuals and tell compelling stories. One such critical component is selecting the appropriate lens filter size for your cine lenses. In this article, we'll be discussing the Xeen cine lens filter sizes and comparing Rokinon Xeen lenses with Irix Cinema Lenses to help you make an informed decision.

Xeen Cine Lens Filter Size 

Xeen cine lenses, a popular choice among filmmakers, come in two primary filter sizes: 95mm and 77mm. These filter sizes cater to a range of lenses, making them versatile and suitable for various shooting scenarios. Before investing in lens filters, make sure to double-check the specific size requirements for your Xeen lenses to ensure optimal compatibility and performance.

Rokinon Xeen lenses are known for their solid performance and competitive pricing. These lenses come in two filter sizes: 95mm and 77mm. When selecting a filter for your Xeen lens, be sure to choose the correct size to ensure optimal image quality and compatibility with your camera setup.

Irix Cinema Lenses: A Superior Alternative

While Xeen lenses are a good option for many filmmakers, Irix Cinema Lenses stand out as a far better choice due to their impressive features and much better pricing. Some of the advantages of Irix Cinema Lenses include:

  • 9 Rounded Aperture Blades: These lenses have 9 rounded aperture blades that provide extraordinary image quality and beautiful bokeh, making your visuals stand out.
  • Focus Breathing Close to Zero: Irix Cinema Lenses minimize focus breathing, resulting in smoother and more professional-looking footage.
  • Low Distortion: These lenses have low distortion, ensuring that your images are accurate and true to life.
  • Weather Sealing: Irix Cinema Lenses are designed to withstand harsh conditions, making them perfect for outdoor shoots and challenging environments.
  • Magnetic Filters: Irix Cinema Lenses are compatible with magnetic filters, which are incredibly easy to attach and detach. This feature saves time and eliminates the hassle of fumbling with traditional filter systems.
  • Irix Matte Box Compatibility: The lenses are also compatible with the Irix Matte Box, adding versatility and convenience to your filmmaking process.

Irix Cinema Lens Filter Sizes: 86mm and 95mm

In addition to their superior features, Irix Cinema Lenses come in two filter sizes: 86mm and 95mm. This variety allows filmmakers to select the perfect lens and filter combination for their specific needs.


When it comes to choosing the right lens for your filmmaking projects, don't settle for less. While Rokinon Xeen lenses offer decent performance with their 95mm and 77mm filter sizes, Irix Cinema Lenses stand out as a far superior choice with much better pricing and impressive features. Upgrade your cinematography experience by investing in Irix Cinema Lenses with 86mm and 95mm filter sizes, and see the difference for yourself.

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